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Obeying the road signs when you’re driving reduces the chance of fatal crashes from occuring. It ensures that you and other road users stay safe when travelling on the road.


Approximately almost half the road crashes in NSW happen when drivers do not adhere to the road signs.


It is very important to obey the signs on the road as they protect you and other road users from collision and injury.


Some crossroads have no traffic lights or road signage. Generally if you’re turning across another vehicle’s path, you must stop and give way. If other drivers do not give way to you, do not force them or yourself into a dangerous situation.


When you come to a 'Stop' sign you must stop completely before reaching the stop line, and as close as possible to the line. Where there is a stop sign but no stop line, stop before reaching, and as close as possible, to the intersection.


Giving way at a 'Give Way' sign means the driver must slow down and, if necessary, stop and give way to other drivers in order to avoid a collision.


Pedestrian crossings allow pedestrians to cross the road safely. These crossings are usually marked by white stripes on the road, also known as zebra crossings, and usually have a pedestrian crossing sign. Be sure to always stop and give way to any pedestrians wishing to cross the road and do not overtake any vehicle that is stopping or has stopped at a crossing.


When driving always be aware of 'Warning' signs out on the road and adhere to them as they inform you about the dangers on the road ahead and tells you how to travel safely.


'Road Work' signs are also important and must obeyed. It is importand to adhere and slow down when you see a road work sign and be on the look out for any potential hazards that might collide with your vehicle. Also be prepared to slow down and stop if a hazard has a chance in colliding with your vehicle. You must obey any signal from a traffic controller and give way to any worker.

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